Trinity Lutheran Church and TLC PreschooL
CLICK HERE to visit our YouTube Channel for access to live worship on Sunday mornings at 8:45 and 11:00am or any time you wish to view them throughout the week.
We hope you will come and spend some time with us at Trinity as we worship, grow and serve together. All are welcome--We'd love to get to know you!

Share the joy! It's BAPTISM CHAPEL DAY at TLC Preschool!
Trinity Lutheran Church &
1515 N Trekell Rd
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
Church Office Hours
M-F 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
M-F 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Welcome to Trinity!
Trinity Lutheran Church and TLC Preschool invites you to join us as we seek "to be a church that leads all people into growing relationships with Jesus Christ!" We do that by "making disciples who love God, grow in faith, and serve their community." That is why we strive to offer you wonderful opportunities to show your love for God through worship, to dive deep into the Word and grow in your relationship with God through life groups and Bible studies, and why we provide opportunities through our service teams to put our faith into action and utilize the hands and feet God gave us in love for Him and for our neighbors. In addition, we offer the community our award-winning TLC Preschool for children 2.5 - 5 years old, with year round, half- and full-day options.
We aren't a perfect church nor are we perfect people; however, we do serve a perfect and loving God who graciously forgives all of our sins and grants eternal life to those who believe in Him.
If that sounds like something you want to be a part of, then please join us!
Sunday Morning Worship Times:
8:45 AM Traditional Worship with Communion
10:00 AM Adult Bible Classes and Sunday School
11:00 AM Contemporary Worship with Communion
All worship services are streamed live via YouTube and can be accessed on Facebook (Trinity Lutheran Church Casa Grande). In addition, worship is posted as a recording on Sunday afternoons (as soon as we can get it uploaded) right here on our website under the WORSHIP TAB to provide an uninterrupted worship experience. If you are facing health concerns, illness, are out of town, or simply do not feel ready to meet in person, please join us in one of these ways, and make sure to let us know of any needs we can assist you with.
Our Vision: To be a church that leads all people into growing relationships with Jesus Christ.
Our Mission: To make disciples who love God, grow in faith, and serve the community.
Monday, TUESDAY, Thursday, Friday 8:00am-2:00pm
The office phone is checked for messages throughout the day.
Contact us anytime: