At Trinity Lutheran Church and TLC Preschool, we believe that regular worship is extremely important because we all need to hear often the grace that God has provided for us through His Son Jesus Christ. We are a broken and fallen people, but there is good news! Jesus loves us, died for us, and will never leave us nor forsake us! No matter what we have done, God forgives and restores.

We invite you, your loved ones, your friends and your neighbors to join us! In fact, our lives here at Trinity revolve around the different times and seasons of the church year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, etc.). We offer both contemporary and traditional worship services, and are one of the few churches that still offers midweek Advent and Lent services along with a shared meal. We hope you will decide to join us!

Trinity Lutheran's Sunday Morning Worship Schedule:

  • 8:45 AM Traditional/Blended Worship

  • 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship


    • At Trinity Lutheran Church in Casa Grande, the safety of your children is of great importance to us, as we know it is to you. That is why Trinity makes it a priority to make sure that every person who works with children undergoes an annual background check!