Bible Studies

One of the best ways to grow in faith and understand the wonderful truths of the Word of God is to study the scriptures with other people.  At Trinity, we have many opportunities to do this and we are always looking to provide more opportunities for spiritual growth!  If you are interested in leading a Bible Study, please contact Pastor Burkee at or call the church office at 520.836.2451.  

Wednesdays in the Word - Adult Bible Class 

Leader:  Pastor Burkee

        Time: 6:00pm

        Place: Trinity Casa Grande - Fellowship Hall

Thursday Morning Bible Study    

      Leader:  Pastor Burkee

      Time:  10:00am

      Place:  Trinity Casa Grande - Fellowship Hall

Friday Afternoon Bible Study

       Leader: Roger Boothe

       Time: 2:00pm - 3:20pm

       Place: Trinity Casa Grande - Fellowship Hall

3rd Thursday of each Month - LWML

        Time:  11:30am

        Place:  Trinity Casa Grande - Fellowship Hall


Leader:  Joyce Hanley

Time: Tuesdays, 10:00-11:00am

Place:  Home of Joyce H (contact info:  email or call the church office at 520.836.2451)

SUNDAY ABC's (Adult Bible Classes)

Leaders:  Dennis Dirks and Pastor Burkee

Time:  10:00-10:45am

Place:  Fellowship Hall with Dennis Dirks
                        Sanctuary with Pastor Burkee